Other British University branches with websites:
Aberdeen University
| University of Wales, Aberystwyth
| Bath University
| Bristol University
| University of Edinburgh
| Exeter University
| Imperial College, London
| Keele University
| Kent University
| Liverpool University
| Manchester University
| Oxford University
| Sheffield University
| St Andrews University
| Southampton University
| Warwick University
| University of York
Local Constituency Associations:
Edinburgh Central
| Edinburgh Pentlands
| Edinburgh South | Edinburgh West
Scottish Conservative MSPs:
| David McLetchie (Scottish Party Leader)
Other MP/MSP/MEP sites
David Hannan MEP | Michael Portillo MP |
Nigel Evans MP
Other Interesting Libertarian-Conservative websites:
UK Conservative Party
| Private Conservative Party Site
| Conservative Way Forward
Adam Smith Institute
| Centre for Policy Studies (CPS)
| Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA)
US Republican Party
| Conservative Corner
Home Page for a Free Britain
British Government:
City of Edinburgh Council
| Scottish Executive
| Scottish Parliament
| UK Government Homepage Index
| UK Houses of Parliament
Other political parties on the web:
Scottish Liberals
| Scottish Nats
| New Labour (no Scottish site that we could find!)
Socialist Worker Party
| Socialist Labour Party
| Scottish Socialist Party
| Scottish Republican Socialist Party
| Socialist Party
Communist Party of Britain
| Communist Party of Great Britain
| New Communist Party
Scottish Green Party
| Pro Euro Conservative Party
General Politics/Elections sites:
British Politics
| David Boothroyd's British Elections Site
| Imperial Tories campaigning for the centre-right online
| Scottish Politics (nationalist bias)
| Scottish Parliamentary Elections (Scotsman newspaper)
UK Election Forecasting & Politics Program.
A special version of UK-Elect v4.0, including support for the 1999 Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly elections, is now
available free of charge as a beta-test release for a limited time only.
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Your very own Pet Prime Minister -- an outstanding package! Also available is the Clinton Apologiser.
Small quote from the Uninstalling Tony from Downing Street section of the Help file:
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crash) require that an alternative compatible plug-in be installed at Tony's address.
Unfortunately, no viable alternative packages exist at present. All other programs currently being
marketed are either badly supported or critically unstable." Very amusing!
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